Events, Festivals and Fairs

Hosting a community event, a customer appreciation day or a festival and looking for an interactive hands-on display? Or are you looking for an engaging stage-show style presentation guaranteed to wow your audience? We’d provide both of those experiences.

We bring out an assortment of reptiles, arachnids and other small animals to share our passion with you. Learn all about these amazing animals while getting up close and personal. Our stage shows encourage participation between the presenters things such as invitations on stage. Stage shows can be done unilingually (English or French) or as a bilingual show.

If a stage show is not enough time or you want an option where guests can come and go as they please we offer an interactive booth. Our booths offer 1 or 2 presenters and are available bilingually (English & French).

We work with you to provide the perfect experience. Here are some ideas:

1h stage show where you learn about 7 amazing animals in one language.

1h15min stage show where you learn about 6 amazing animals in both English and French.

Half day booth minimum of 6 animals

Full day booth minimum of 8 animals